CDAIS Marketplace: brokering partnerships for effective capacity development for agricultural innovation – Concept Note

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capacity development tools
Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO )
European Commission ( EC )

This concept note has been developed within the context of the EU-funded CDAIS project, which is jointly implemented by AGRINATURA-EEIG and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support the TAP Action Plan in eight pilot countries in Africa (Angola, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Rwanda), Asia (Bangladesh, Laos) and Central America (Guatemala, Honduras) .

The CDAIS Marketplaces aim at brokering partnerships for effective capacity development for agricultural innovation. The marketplace is therefore conceived by the CDAIS project as part of an inclusive, country-led process involving the principal partners in agricultural innovation from public institutions and the private sector, civil society and farmers’ organizations to facilitate the matching of initiatives of capacity development for agricultural innovation systems (capacity development supply) with the real capacity development needs of the major agricultural innovation actors (capacity development demand).

In particular, the national CDAIS Marketplace in each CDAIS country is a one-day event that benefits from the preparatory contacts between relevant actors and the National CDAIS team. It relies on lessons learnt from the capacity needs assessment process and builds towards a national platform on agriculture capacities to innovate.  

This concept note further explains concepts and objectives of the CDAIS Marketplaces. 

Publication year: 
CDAIS project
TAP-related resource