This paper examines reconfigurations of household economies and agrobiodiversity through the experiences and responses of rural households to local manifestations of globalisation and environmental change in the Central Valley of Tarija, Bolivia, from the 1950s to the present. Research participant narratives from seven study communities document a widely experienced regional shift from rain-fed agriculture and pastured livestock production for household consumption to market-oriented production of regionally-specialised commodities.
Water is a vital and scarce resource in agriculture and its optimal management is emerging as a key challenge. This paper presents an automated irrigation system to reduce water utilization in agriculture by combining the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and optimization tools. The automated irrigation system deploys low cost sensors to sense variables of interest such as soil moisture, pH, soil type, and weather conditions. The data is stored in Thingspeak cloud service for monitoring and data-storage.
Food quality and safety are receiving increasing attention in the food sector nationally and internationally. Emerging private sector regulations are increasingly perceived as market entrance barriers within this development. In this paper, we analyze quality assurance programs (QAPs) in the horticultural sector in Vietnam and their effect on access to international markets. A representative sample of registered fruit and vegetable processing firms provide the basis for our analyses. Results of different logistic regression models show that QAPs are market specific.
Sur la base de 16 études de cas, nous cherchons à comprendre comment l'usage des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) transforme les dispositifs de conseil agricole au Burkina Faso. Si les outils employés et les thématiques du conseil sont diversifiés, les services demeurent récents et inaboutis. Les prestataires de conseil cherchent en effet à améliorer les outils et services, dont la durabilité n'est pas encore garantie. Ceci s'explique notamment par la complexité du travail inter-organisationnel pour développer ces services.