Capacity development is regarded by CGIAR as an effective vehicle for sustainable development, when embedded within broader CGIAR Research Programs (CRP). This document offers guidelines on how CGIAR and boundary partners (or those partners who take up and adapt research results for the next level of users) can successfully develop and implement strategies which support this process of integration.
This flyer is about the AgriFood chain toolkit, which has been launched in 2013 by the CGIAR programme on Policies, institutions and markets.The AgriFood chain toolkit acts as a clearing house and learning platform – using the power of information and communication technologies to bring together people and resources.
In this paper, findings suggest that the uptake of social media is still in an early, exploratory phase associated with modest opportunities and relevant limitations of Web 2.0 mediated multi-stakeholder collaboration. Notably, there are gaps in giving and receiving feedback which are intrinsic to dyadic communication as well as innovation processes.
This guide has been prepared for use in facilitating and promoting growth in priority sectors already agreed in Decent Work Country Programmes that are based on national priorities owned and led by the constituents (Government and its social partners Employers/Business and Workers). Decent Work Country Programmes are part of national development frameworks focusing on national priorities; they are not ILO programmes.
This document represents a collaborative effort by the Secretariat of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the Regional Forums to agree on a common policy for advocacy on Information and Communication Management. The recognition of knowledge as a critical resource for practising efficient farming and developing agriculture makes sharing and exchange of knowledge globally vital for agricultural development.
This short note discusses the innovation platforms in their potential functions and benefits, with references to southern Africa countries. The initial consideration is that, although appropriate technologies and farming strategies to increase production in small-scale crop-livestock systems exist, farmers often have little or no incentive to invest in these.
This flyer is a GFRAS good practice note for extension and advisory service focused on Farmer Field Schools (FFS). It cover the following aspects: Philosophy and principles, Implementation, Capacity required, Costs, Strenghts and Weaknesses, Governance and Management, Potential Impact.
In the post-harvest area and in agriculture research in general, both in India and internationally, policy attention is returning to the question of how innovation can be encouraged and promoted and thus how impact on the poor can be achieved. This publication assembles several cases from the post-harvest sector. These provide examples of successful innovation that emerged in quite different ways. Its purpose is to illustrate and analyze the diversity and often highly context-specific nature of the processes that lead to and promote innovation.
This reports highlights social learning as an essential aspect in dealing with the complexities around climate change and uncertainty in food production. It is not just about adapting to these complexities, it is actually about implementing tranformative changes.
The main goal of this report is to provide a brief summary of land-use change in Amazonia within the focus countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. This report will mainly focus on the analysis and discussion of land-use change status and trends since 1970’s, a period when considerable changes started to be evident. Analyses were supported from a literature review and land use databases and maps for Andean countries (CIAT) and Brazil (INPE).