The study describes the historic development of the Danish Agricultural Advisory Services (DAAS). This is the case of a national advisory system owned and managed by the farmer organizations and financed with public subsidies combined with farmer/user payments, gradually developed to full user payment. The links and relations between the empowerment of farmers and their organizations, their evolving roles in advisory systems, and the innovative financial mechanisms in extension, especially pull-mechanisms, are analyzed.
In this paper, we examine the effectiveness of e-tendering system for pigeon pea in Karnataka and explore stakeholders’ perceptions regarding online trading to better understand the challenges in implementation of this innovative agricultural marketing initiative. Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides background on e-tendering process in Karnataka. Data and methodology are discussed in the third section, fourth section presents the results, and is followed by the section discussing the salient findings and lessons learnt.
La filière porcine aux Antilles doit faire face à plusieurs défis dont celu i de l’augmentation de sa contribution à la consommation locale de viande. La production de porcs dans nos régions est soumise à des contraintes spécifiques locales (insularité et éloignement de l’U nion Européenne) et des contraintes communes aux autres régions tropicales (f acteurs climatiques, disponibilité des ressources alimentaires, etc..).
Une évaluation approfondie du système de vulgarisation agricole tunisien montre que des paquets technologiques améliorés destinés au système de production agricole mixte élevage-orge en Tunisie semi-aride permettent d’économiser jusqu’à 40 % des coûts d’alimentation du bétail, mais ne sont pas largement adoptés. Les faibles taux d’adoption sont typiques pour de nombreuses technologies approuvées dans les pays en voie de développement.
Regional agroecological systems are examples of complex adaptive systems, where sustainability is promoted by social networks that facilitate information sharing, cooperation, and connectivity among specialized components of the system. Much of the existing literature on social capital fails to recognize how networks support multiple social processes.
The GFA ITAACC final workshop in Nairobi was attended by more than 80 people comprising representatives of farmer organizations, NGOs, government, private sector and research institutions. The workshop proved to be an excellent platform for actors in the innovation system to share, discuss and validate the findings of the assessment of the match between needs and supply of agricultural innovations in Africa.
In this paper, results from a study on the use of improved coffee production technology schemes among smallholder coffee producers in three prominent coffee producing regions in Honduras are presented. The impact of various schemes (trajectories) in which different agents influence the producers’ decision to use new technologies was analyzed. In particular, there are differences in the influence of a) private coffee buying organizations and b) government and public development agencies on the innovation behavior of coffee growers.
Innovation policies are considered the long-term strategy to overcome the present systemic crisis. But this crisis is questioning such policies, their presuppositions and institutional arrangements. This questioning includes the Triple Helix theory and its impact on research and innovation policies. The goal is to examine how this theory can respond to theoretical and practical challenges, how the theory needs to evolve in order to fit the present context.
This book discusses innovation problems and opportunities for family farming in the different regions of the American continent, as well as the role of hemispheric, regional and national agrifood research systems. Likewise, it provides a description of the main innovation actions and projects promoted by IICA, and the main success cases over recent years.
ICA has developed this book, Innovation to achieve competitive, sustainable and inclusive agriculture with the purpose of offering member countries, governments, farmers and stakeholders in the continent an overview of this central issue for the agricultural sector. The document explains the importance of agricultural innovation and the way in which IICA has addressed and developed, based on the guidelines defined by the Heads of State and the Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas, the actions included in the strategic plan and the medium-term plans.