Capacity needs assessment of Livestock CRP

Voir les résultats en:
Kengethe E.
Symekher L.
Lemma M.
Sambati P.
Dror I.

This report brings the information about the capacity needs analysis carried out by CRP in five countries. Capacity development is a core enabling factor in the delivery of the 5 Livestock CRP flagships. One of the strategic capacity development actions for the Livestock CRP is to design evidence based capacity development interventions based on capacity needs analysis. To come up with a sound capacity development strategy for the Livestock CRP work in the priority countries, the CRP Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) funded capacity needs assessments in five countries in 2017, namely, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda. Data were collected from October to December 2017 through 34 KIIs, 17 FGDs and 103 individual interviews conducted at the national and district levels drawing participants from a range of partners such as CGIAR centres, public agencies, private sector and development organisations in the respective countries. This executive summary presents the key findings and recommended interventions structured into four capacity areas – partnerships, knowledge, implementation and policy

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