Center for Research on Innovation and Science Policy

The Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy (CRISP) is a non- profit research organization established in March 2004 to promote research in the area of innovation policy in relation to agriculture and rural development. The founding members of CRISP have been in the forefront of research on innovation policy internationally. This coalition of science policy researchers understands the need for a more holistic approach to innovation policy and has been mainly promoting policy relevant research on rural innovation. CRISP set with objective to understand the process of agricultural and rural innovation by exploring the innovation process through action research, case studies and mentoring organizations and networks involved in experimenting with new approaches for promoting rural innovation. CRISP has also been actively involved in lesson learning, capacity strengthening, organizing policy dialogues and promoting new perspectives on rural innovation through policy-relevant publications. CRISP is hosting the Secretariat of the Agricultural Extension in South Asia (AESA). Crisp is also handling knowledge management functions of the Asia Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services Network (APIRAS).
Áreas de actividad: 
Agricultural Research and innovation systems
Policy advice
Advisory services
Enfoque del desarrollo de capacidades: 