Esta obra se base en los conocimientos y las experiencias de un grupo de administradores y evaluadores de 12 organizaciones, tanto nacionales como internacionales, que llevaron a cabo una serie de estudios de evaluación en Bangadesh, Cuba, Ghana, Nicaragua, Filipinas y Vietnam. Los autores pertenecen a organizaciones nacionales y locales que se esfuerzan actualmente para desarrollar sus propias capacidades, a organizaciones internacionales que respaldan el desarrollo de capacidades en el hemisferio sur y a entidades donantes que proporcionan recursos para que las organizaciones desarrollen sus capacidades
Cette publication offre de nombreux exemples concrets détaillant différentes manières de réengager les jeunes dans le secteur agricole. Elle montre à quel point des programmes éducationnels sur mesure peuvent offrir aux jeunes les compétences et la perspicacité nécessaires pour se...
This publication provides a collection of papers, commentaries, expert opinions and reflections on state-of-the-art innovation systems thinking and approaches in agriculture. It is the direct output of a CTA and WUR/CoS-SIS collaboration which had its genesis in an expert consultation...
This publication contains twelve modules which cover a selection of major reform measures in agricultural extension being promulgated and implemented internationally, such as linking farmers to markets, making advisory services more demand-driven, promoting pluralistic advisory systems, and enhancing the role...
What are key characteristics of rural innovators? How are their experiences similar for women and men, and how are they different? To examine these questions, this study draw on individual interviews with 336 rural women and men known in their...
The purpose of this paper is to map some elements that can contribute to an IFAD strategy to stimulate and support pro-poor innovations. It is an initial or exploratory document that hopefully will add to an ongoing and necessary debate,...