GCARD2. Breakout session P3.2 Turning Innovations into Market Opportunities - Session brief

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Autor (es): 
Ton, G.
Proctor, F.

This brief was prepared for the "Session Partnerships for Livelihood Impacts" of the second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2), that took place from 29 October to 1 November 2012 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. According to this document, new organizational arrangements which place the user of research central in the definition of research priorities and in uptake processes are required. This includes a central role for organizations which represent the interests of the smallholders in particular farmer organizations but also for the private sector, trade and commodity associations and procurement officers in government programmes. Research partnerships which tackle cross-cutting issues in markets need to work with inter-ministerial task groups which go beyond ministries of agriculture and include other sectoral line-ministries responsible for trade, infrastructure, innovation and poverty-reduction strategies as well as the key stakeholders including farmer organizations, private sector and trade and commodity platforms.

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