Scaling out Climate Smart Agriculture: Strategies and Guidelines for Smallholder Farming in Western Kenya

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Autor (es): 
Schaller M.
Barth E. I.
Blies D.
Röhrig F.
Schümmelfeder M.

The study was commissioned by the Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and was carried out in cooperation with GIZ Western Kenya and the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture in Nairobi. Overall objective of the study was to design a strategy and make recommendations for locally adapted climate smart agriculture (CSA) tailored to smallholder needs in Western Kenya. This included the production of practical policy and technical guidance material. Three priority research areas were selected: the policies and frameworks for CSA implementation in Kenya, and Western Kenya in particular; the farm level perspective on CSA in Western Kenya; the linkage between scientific agricultural research and its practical application at farm level via (public) extension and/or other advisory services.

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