The IPMS project proposes to ‘contribute to improved agricultural productivity and production through market-oriented agricultural development, as a means for achieving improved and sustainable livelihoods for the rural population’ in Ethiopia. To accomplish this goal the project supports development and (action) research on innovative technologies, processes and institutional arrangements in three focus areas i.e. i) knowledge management; ii) innovation capacity building of public and private sector partners, farmers and pasoralists; iii) market oriented production technologies and input/output marketing and financing; contributing to evidence-based policy making to support innovation processes and capacity development. Adopting the innovation systems perspective, the project acknowledges multiple sources of innovation and the critical role of institutions. The activities deploy the use of partnerships and linkages along the value chain to promote complementary investments in necessary areas and sectors to generate innovations and impact. Innovative approaches to production, NRM, technology adaptation and delivery, service delivery, marketing and, institutional change, linked to market demands and the capacity of the communities and its individual members to handle such innovations in a sustainable manner are being introduced and adapted in pilot sites. Learning from these experiences is an integral aspect to draw lessons for scaling up. This paper summarizes the experience of IPMS in developing and nurturing innovative partnerships and lessons learnt, to date.
One option for practically applying innovation systems thinking involves the establishment of innovation platforms (IPs). Such platforms are designed to bring together a variety of different stakeholders to exchange knowledge and resources and take action to solve common problems. Yet...
Given the diversity and context-specificity of innovation systems approaches, in March 2007 the World Bank organized a workshop in which about 80 experts (representing donor agencies, development and related agencies, academia, and the World Bank) took stock of recent experiences...
Ethiopian needs to achieve accelerated agricultural development along a sustainable commercialization path to alleviate poverty and ensure overall national development. In this regard, sustainable commercial of smallholder dairying provides a viable and growing opportunity; with deliberate, appropriate and sustained policy...
Ethiopia has a diverse agro-ecology and sufficient surface and ground water resources, suitable for growing various temperate and tropical fruits. Although various tropical and temperate fruits are grown in the lowland/midland and highland agro-ecologies, the area coverage is very limited....
En esta publicación se presenta una visión general de las oportunidades y las dificultades actuales de las iniciativas encaminadas a aumentar los efectos de la extensión agraria y rural. El punto de partida para este análisis reside en el reconocimiento...