Final performance evaluation: agribusiness linkages global development alliance, developing Egypt's agribusiness industry

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Autor (es): 
Sherif Omran M. A.
Schroder D.
Salem H.
Shelaby A.
El-Beltaguy A.
Omran S. M.

The Agribusiness Linkages Global Development Alliance (GDA) was to contribute to sustainable rural development throughout Egypt by enhancing the capacity of smallholder farmers to profitably serve as reliable suppliers of high-value horticulture to processors and other buyers by integrating 3,000 farmers into a sustainable and competitive high-value horticultural value chain anchored by HEINZ in the governorates of Sohag, Qena, Luxor, and Aswan in Upper Egypt; El Minya and Assiut in Middle Egypt; Beni Suef, Giza and Fayoum in Northern Upper Egypt; and the Nubaria area in lower Egypt. It had four componenets: Organizing smallholder production and farm management; Organizing smallholder marketing and sales; Strengthening business/logistics services;  Immediate impact emergency grants. 

The evaluation used quantitative and qualitative data and was based on the perception of the stakeholders (i.e. farmers, private sector processors, greenhouse operators, traders, input suppliers, associations, etc.) and relevant staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, occurring approximately three years after the GDA implementation period ended. Also the evaluation collected feedback on GDA project achievements, how it was implemented, and stakeholders and beneficiaries’ value and perception of what results were actually achieved. 

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