Modern agricultural farming methods and soil management training conducted among Nyungwe Nziza’s agricultural cooperatives: final report

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Licencia de recurso: 
U.S. Government Works
Autor (es): 
Naramabuye F.

The USAID-funded Strengthening Sustainable Ecotourism in and around Nyungwe National Park Project, otherwise known as Nyungwe Nziza or beautiful Nyungwe, is working to transform Nyungwe National Park into a viable ecotourism destination, capable of generating employment and sustainable and equitable income for local communities and other stakeholders, thus providing economic incentives to conserve the rich biodiversity of the Park. 

Nyungwe Nziza engaged a professional soil scientist, Dr. Naramabuye Francois, with the objective of strengthening farming activities carried out by Duhuze Imbaraga Cooperative members in Bushekeri Sector, Nyamasheke Districti, and Koperative Twiyubake Kitabi  in Nyamagabe, by establishing a strategic environment enabling for both cooperatives to adopt a professional farming system for the production of high quality fruits and vegetables to supply hotels, restaurants and guest houses operating around Nyungwe National Park, as well as the local community. Ultimately, increased agricultural production will translate into improved household incomes among communities adjacent to Nyungwe National Park, hence contributing to the reduction of induced threats to wildlife conservation. This report summarizes activities related to training, preparation and execution for two cooperatives. 

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