Feed the Future: Building Capacity for African Agricultural Transformation (Africa Lead II) Quarterly Report January-March 2016

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Africa Lead II Team

Africa Lead—Feed the Future’s Building Capacity for African Agricultural Transformation Program—supports the advancement of agricultural transformation in Africa as proposed by the African Union Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP). Simultaneously, Africa Lead contributes to the Feed the Future goals of reduced hunger and poverty by building the capacity of Champions—defined as men and women leaders in agriculture—and the institutions in which they operate to develop, lead, and manage the policies, structures and processes needed for the transformation process. 

This report covers the program’s major accomplishments and outputs from January–March 2016 (Quarter 2 of PY2016). It highlights the support, facilitation, and training that Africa Lead provides partners to improve institutional capacity and architecture to manage agricultural transformation as well to promote the effective, inclusive participation of non-state actors in the policy process. Africa Lead activities are also designed to promote and sustain a culture of learning and to continue to build a process by which evidence can take a greater role in determining policy directions and programs in agriculture. Sections 2–4 of the report summarize Africa Lead’s project-wide progress during Q2 in the three cluster areas of capacity development, policy support, and knowledge sharing to align organizations, policies, and systems around CAADP. Section 5 includes mission-level dashboards, which provide a snapshot view of the activities and performance indicators during Q2 for each of the project’s buy-ins. 

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