Tipo de organización: 
The Dutch-funded project titled “Toward Sustainable Clusters in Agribusiness through Learning in Entrepreneurship” (2SCALE) started in June 2012. The program manages a portfolio of public-private partnerships (PPPs) that accelerate inclusive business in target agri-food sectors and industries. 2SCALE offers a range of support services to private partners – companies and farmer groups – enabling them to produce, transform and supply quality food products to local, national and regional end-user markets, including Base of the Pyramid (low-income) consumers. 2SCALE strengthens the capacity of smallholder farmers and SMEs to accelerate value chain and private sector development, through innovation and coordinated action, by improving business and organizational skills, including those required for more effective participation in (financial) markets. Partnership agreements are developed with companies doing business in Africa with inclusive business agendas or adding value to selected value chains.
Áreas de actividad: 
Capacity development
Enfoque del desarrollo de capacidades: 