Australian Journal of Crop Science (AJCS)

Tipo de organización: 
Australian Journal of Crop Science (AJCS) is an open access international peer-reviewed publication that gathers and disseminates fundamental and applied knowledge in almost all area of plant and particularly crop sciences. AJCS is an open access journal and applies Creative Commons Attribution for non-commercial purposes as long as the research work (publication) be acknowledged and cited properly. Authors who wish to use or reproduce from the journal contents should contact editor and enquir an email approval/permission. AJCS encourages researchers to submit their valuable manuscripts for rapid publication and also invites editors and reviewers to join editorial team all around the world. It can be easily done by a click on "Register" and "Online Submission" icons on the left hand side. Coverage extends to every corner of the plant field, including such topics as molecular biology, taxonomy, genetics, plant breeding, morphology, physiology, developmental biology, cell biology, plant biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, and new technologies like biofuels and plant vaccines.
Áreas de actividad: 
crop sciences
Enfoque del desarrollo de capacidades: 