Agricultural Extension Service and Technology Adoption for Food and Nutrition Security: Evidence from Ethiopia

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Derechos sujetos al permiso del propietario
Autor (es): 
Tigabu D.G.
Gebeyehu M.F.

The objective of this paper is twofold. First, using a three rounds panel data of 7110 households, was investigate the adoption decisions and the complementarities among the four labor-intensive technologies (agricultural extension service, irrigation, soil conservation and planting seeds in a row) and a comprehensive use of four modern inputs (improved seed variates, inorganic fertilizer, pesticides, organic fertilizer) which have been frequently adopted by smallholder farmers. Second, controlling for the dynamic effects of wealth, previous technology adoptions and other cofounders, were estimated the impact of agricultural extension services and other multiple technology adoptions on food and nutrition security of the smallholder farmers in Ethiopia

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Palabras clave: 
Agricultural technologies adoption; input complementarity; food and nutrition security