This article analyses spatial innovation dispersion and also level of innovation development across the crop sector. For this, five crude indicators viz. Mechanisation indicator, Vulnerability indicator, Concentration indicator, Stability indicator and Adoption indicator were constructed which determined the direction of innovation. Agricultural Innovation System encompasses both the facets of technology development and technology dissemination. However, much concentration and efforts were exerted on innovation and technology development part while the other part i.e. innovation dissemination system was less attended.
El papel de la migración en la reestructuración de los sistemas de innovación y tecnologías avanzadas en países destino u origen ha dado lugar a diferentes debates, porque siempre hay dos lados de la moneda; en este caso, norte y...
For better efforts in development of the farming community, agricultural extension services have always focused on farmers’ resources, activities and capabilities. And this has proved to be an important standing point in the rice growing state Tripura of North East...
This paper is based on the 8th GLOBELICS International Conference: Making Innovation Work for Society (1 - 3 November 2010, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). The paper presents three projects of the Research Into Use Program, located in South asia, which are applying...
This report provides a synthesis of all findings and information generated through a “stocktaking” process that involved a desk study of Prolinnova documents and evaluation reports, a questionnaire to 40 staff members of international organizations in agricultural research and development (ARD),...
This paper illustrates already practiced models and strategies of high impact innovations around the world with particular respect to India. The shown examples of innovative businesses were selected based on four criteria reflecting their innovative character. Firstly, innovations need to fulfil...