Building on previous research, the purpose of this study was to describe the needs of the extension agents, in the Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia, for training on Organic Agriculture (OA). This knowledge will be used to develop organic educational programs for extension agents. The specific objectives were to:
1)Determine the level of formal and informal training that extension agents have already received; 2)To identify extension agents’ current interest in training on OA; 3)Determine the perceived usefulness level for information sources of OA; 4) Determine if the extension agents’ interest in participating in OA training differs across the demographic variables of age, experience in OA, education level, current responsibility for information related to OA, and areas of specialization
The purpose of this research was to investigate factors influencing agricultural personnel and consultants’ attitude and behavioral intention to use precision agricultural technologies. The survey research and multistage random sampling were used to collect data from 183 agricultural consultants in...
Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Pakistan and it is not possible to realize sustainable biological yields without following sustainable agricultural extension. However, these extension activities are not making significant impacts on crop yields and have not...
The General objective of the present study was to examine the present situation of food security in regard to agricultural production and consumption. Specific objectives are to identify and analyze (1) the modern resource efficient agricultural technologies, (2) their possible...
This research aimed to figure out the attitude and readiness of agriculture extension officers in using the Information and Communication Technology. Data collection was done through a survey with total sample 60 respondents. Data gained were primary data from questionnaire...
Urban farming is one of the alternatives to eliminate the impacts of the conversion of agricultural land. However, implementing urban farming activities requires various preparations, including the role of agricultural extension workers. The extension worker can make significant contributions to...