Geoinformation decision support system for remediation of the 137Cs contaminated agricultural lands after the Chernobyl NPP accident

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Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives / Atribución-No Comercial-No Derivadas (CC BY-NC-ND)
Artículo de revista
Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Autor (es): 
Titov I.E.
Krechetnikov V.V.
Mikailova R.A.
Panov A.V.
Editor (es): 

Based on GIS technologies, a decision support system (GIDSS) has been developed to remediate agricultural lands in the Bryansk region (Russia) contaminated by 137Cs after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. GIDSS is a multilevel system consisting of basic, information and computational layers. GIDSS allows justifying a targeted approach for the remediation of agricultural lands belonging to agricultural enterprises for the production that meets the established radiological requirements for the content of radionuclides. Evaluation of the effectiveness of alternative remediation technologies and the selection of optimal measures were carried out at the level of elementary plots using radiological criteria. The introduction of GIDSS will enable agricultural producers in the south-western districts of the Bryansk region to conduct radiation-safe agro-industrial production in radioactively contaminated areas, which will help improve the socio-economic situation of the region and return it to normal living conditions.

Año de publicación: 
Palabras clave: 
decision support system
Chernobyl NPP accident
Radioactive contamination
Agricultural products
Risks of exceeding the standard
Remediation technologies