A digital genetic platform provides accurate and timely data for improved community- based sheep and goat breeding

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Autor (es): 
Getachew T.
Rischkowsky B.
Santos B.
Teviotdale M.
Rekik M.
Mwacharo J.
Haile A.

- Lack of automated data capture systems affects timely feedback and accuracy of information for breeding decisions.
- CGIAR researchers and national research partners have adopted a digital genetic database, Dtreo, that is enhancing genetic improvement by providing timely and accurate animal ranking information to communities.
- Dtreo is a digital genetic database that is flexible and easy to use, that allows users to capture and save data offline. Data is uploaded to the database once an internet connection has been established.
- Dtreo creates a permanent multi-breed source of information that can be used to inform the breeding of high genetic merit animals, provide information to policymakers and support long-term breeding strategies.
- The digital database enables the use of more complicated evaluation models, which can improve the accuracy of breeding value estimations.

Año de publicación: 
Palabras clave: 
Digital genetic platform