The MAF of Timor-Leste launched a transformative initiative to enhance agricultural productivity and planning through the Sustainable Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP). Supported by a USD 21 million grant from the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), the project aimed to improve smallholder farmers' productivity. Despite significant progress achieved since Timor-Leste's independence, the country continued to face significant human resource capacity constraints and a recognized need for a decentralized approach across all government institutions, including the MAF. The latter, in particular, requires accurate information on its activities and evidence-based analysis of its performance and the outcomes of the programmes it oversees. To address these challenges, the Government of Timor-Leste sought assistance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to develop an evidence-based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System as a sub-component of the SAPIP. The system integrated planning, monitoring and reporting, using data-driven tools for decision-making. The project concluded successfully in December 2023, establishing sustainable, evidence-based agricultural management.
The world’s population is likely to reach 9 billion by the middle of this century. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) believes that 60 per cent more food will be needed by 2050 to sustain all...
Over the years, Kenya has continued to experience high levels of food and nutrition insecurity. At the same time, the country is experiencing a rapid rate of urbanization, which is double the population growth rate. The growth of cities and...
To achieve food security for all, new resource policies for sustainable land and water use are needed. Land, water and energy need to be considered jointly in policies, not in isolation. United Nations, G20 countries’ policy makers, corporate and civil society actors, and...
La agenda técnica del IICA, definida en su Plan de Mediano Plazo 2015-2018, se basa en la focalización de nuevos temas, en el logro de resultados y alianzas estratégicas con otros organismos nacionales e internacionales con países miembros, así como...
Los pequeños agricultores también contribuyen con las comidas escolares, incluyendo así alimentos frescos y localmente producidos que mejoran el rendimiento académico de niños y niñas y su permanencia en los centros educativos, al mismo tiempo que fortalecen la economía local....