
Type d'organisation: 
  Apimondia is the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations and other organisations working within the apiculture sector since 1895.  Our main objective is to facilitate the exchange of information and discussions where beekeepers, scientists, honey-traders, agents for development, technicians and legislators meet to listen, discuss and learn from each other. Apimondia works across the globe through Regional Commissions which provide support to national beekeeping associations with their governments and regional organisations. They are effective tools to help beekeepers and their bees worldwide. They are there to: Assure better co-operation with regional beekeeping associations Offer help to local organisations and promote Apimondia congresses and symposia and other regional events Co-chair round tables during the Apimondia Congresses Promote beekeeping amongst the general public Encourage the creation of national beekeeping associations in developing countries Analyse the needs of local beekeeping communities and co-ordinate relief actions in case of natural or human disasters
Domaines d'activité : 
Attention dans le renforcement des capacités: 