This concept note is about the Joint Capacity Building Programme on the Implementation of Farmers’ Rights. This programme, launched by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, starts from the local level, recognizing the value of smallholder farmers around the world in the conservation, use and improvement of food crops as the basis of local, national and global food security. The Programme responds to the many requests from national governments and
relevant stakeholders, including farmers and farmers’ organizations for capacity and understanding of what Farmers’ Rights mean in practice. It aims to achieve impacts through
collective actions among different stakeholders, including decision and policy makers, increasing capacity and awareness to contribute to the implementation of Farmers’ Rights
at national and local levels. It aims also to facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue and networking, to support the role of smallholder farmers as custodians and innovators for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and increase awareness and support the development of policies and legal measures implementing Farmers’ Rights.
This brief was prepared for the "Session Partnerships for Livelihood Impacts" of the second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2), that took place from 29 October to 1 November 2012 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. According to this...
This capacity building material is developed in response to requests made by small-scale farmers and
relevant stakeholders in Malawi to support their capacity development for the implementation of Farmers’
Rights in the country. This capacity building material is...
El Foro Global de la Investigación Agrícola- GFAR, el Programa Colaborativo de Fitomejoramiento Participativo en Mesoamérica, implementado en comunidades de la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes por la Asociación de Organizaciones de los Cuchumatanes –ASOCUCH, y la Fundación para la Innovación...
El presente documento presenta un marco conceptual para los términos agricultura familiar e inclusión, hace una caracterización de la agricultura familiar y los problemas relativos a la exclusión en las áreas rurales, y analiza la institucionalidad creada para responder a...
La obra que nos complace presentar reúne un conjunto de estudios de caso y un análisis transversal de las políticas públicas para la agricultura familiar en once países latinoamericanos, complementados por un ensayo interpretativo acerca de las implicaciones para políticas...