Group work by participants in the SEARCA Forum-workshop on Platforms, Rural Advisory Services, and Knowledge Management: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development, Los Banos, 17-19 May 2016.
Feedback from participants in the SEARCA Forum-workshop on Platforms, Rural Advisory Services, and Knowledge Management: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development, Los Banos, 17-19 May 2016.
The lessons and recommendations outlined in this paper were captured at a PAEPARD Capitalization Workshop with all partners, held in Cotonou, Benin, on 2-6 October 2017. The workshop was key to the overall evaluation of PAEPARD II, as it encouraged...
Les leçons et les recommandations mises en avant dans cette publication sont issues d’un atelier de capitalisation de PAEPARD qui a réuni tous les partenaires à Cotonou, au Bénin, du 2 au 6 octobre 2017. Cet atelier a joué un...
Most agencies supporting agricultural research in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) provide funds for discrete projects over specific periods of time, usually a maximum of three years. Research topics identified for calls for proposals are not always well aligned with users’ needs....
La plupart des agences qui soutiennent la recherche agricole en Afrique subsaharienne fournissent des financements à des projets distincts durant des périodes spécifiques, en général pour une durée maximale de trois ans. Les sujets de recherche identifiés pour les appels...