Overall gender capacity report on the gender capacities of CGIAR Livestock and Fish program partners in Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and Nicaragua

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Rijke E.
Specht I.
van Lidth de Jeude M.
Sbarbati G.
Jansen A.

The capacities of twenty-four Livestock and Fish CGIAR Research Programme partners in four countries (Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and Nicaragua), representing two partner types (development and research), have been assessed during the period December 2014 – September 2015. This report aims to summarize these four assessments, analyze the differences and similarities, and present recommendations for the design of capacity development interventions. 

This report starts with a description of the methodology for the gender capacity assessment and the processes that have been followed in the four countries for data collection and analysis (chapter two). In chapter three, country specific contexts regarding value chains and institutional (policies and legislations) aspects that are related to gender capacities of partner organizations are described. Chapter four compares findings per level, partner type, and country. Chapter five includes more detailed description of capacity levels for each core gender capacity. Finally, recommendations for gender capacity development are made in chapter six. 

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