Status and Capacity of Farmer Training Centers (FTCs) in the Improving Productivity and Market Success (IPMS) Pilot Learning Woredas (PLWs)

Voir les résultats en:
Tefera T. L.
Sehai E.
Hoekstra D.

Strengthening the capacity of farmer training centers (FTCs) in Ethiopia and enhancing FTC‐based training and knowledge services is important to leverage and optimize potential contributions of FTCs to facilitating market‐led and knowledge‐based agricultural transformation. Hence, to complement government efforts and to contribute to the transformation of FTCs into vibrant ‘knowledge and innovation centers’, IPMS (Improving Productivity and Market Success) project supported 40 FTCs in the 10 Pilot Learning woredas or PLWs to “experiment” with some additional interventions intended to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of FTC staff and resources.
This assessment was made to document project experience and to identify good practices and lessons so as to inform similar initiatives in the future. A survey was carried to take stock of the capacity of all FTCs in the project operation Woredas. The investigation specifically looked into human, physical and other resources in the FTCs and extent and efficiency of utilization of these resources as well as training programs conducted at FTCs in order to gauge whether IPMS support has helped to enhance the services provided by FTCs.
This report presents the assessment results. Section II outlines the methods employed to collate pertinent data and analyze the data. The survey results are presented and discussed in Section III. The summary of good practices and lessons learned, and some concluding remarks are presented in Section IV.

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