Africa Leadership Training and Capacity Building Program Quarterly Report for April - June 2013

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Africa Lead

The Africa Leadership Training and Capacity Building Program (Africa Lead), aims to support the capacity building program of the US Government’s Feed the Future Initiative, which aligns U.S. Government development assistance with Africa-owned agriculture development plans that are, in turn, aligned with the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program

Africa Lead provides leadership training, capacity assessments, logistical support for training and innovative short courses and internships/twinning arrangements prioritized in consultation with missions and partner countries and institutions, and a database of training offerings on the continent that can be matched to the leadership training and capacity building needs.

This report is the eleventh quarterly (April - June 2013)  performance report of the program, and focuses on progress towards deliverables identified in the Africa Lead Year 3 Work Plan. The implementation was characterized by a juxtaposition of regional office close-out activities, especially for the Nairobi office, and continuation of an intense work load, responding to the request that the momentum be sustained. 

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