Access to land

Type d'organisation: 
Preserving land for local, agroecological farming is a growing issue in many parts of Europe. The amount of agricultural land is declining, as a result of urban and infrastructure development. Competition for land use is also growing, between farmers food production and other uses (timber, biofuels, fibres). As a result, farmland is ever more concentrated on large, intensive farms while small farms are disappearing. This is despite the fact that small farms are the cornerstone of European food security and key to maintaining a living countryside. They also , remain best placed to provide quality local food and preserve the environment. At the same time, the retirement of an ageing population of farmers, and increasing difficulties finding new entrants to replace them, may result in further abandonment of rural areas. The Access to land network brings together grassroots organisations from across Europe to share experiences and promote the significance of access to land for agroecological transition and generational renewal. Established in 2012, it functions as an informal network of about 15 organisations.
Domaines d'activité : 
rural development
2585 Mulberry Lane West Palm Beach
Attention dans le renforcement des capacités: 