Spreading the gains of Agricultural Innovations in Africa: Strategies for scaling-up and scaling-out the IAR4D concept

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Fatunbi A. O.
Ajayi M.T.
Obi A.
Odularo G.O.
Adekunle A.A.

This book is addressing this lack of adequate knowledge on the framework and strategies for scaling up and scaling out an agricultural research and development concept. The book contains a rich synthesis of available information on the scaling strategies in agriculture. It documents the lessons learnt from the different strategies used in the past and develops a workable framework for scaling up and scaling out an agricultural research and development concept such as IAR4D. Its production entailed the drawing of lessons and knowledge from a series of consultations, discussions and stakeholder analysis sessions. It also involved rich literature work to draw existing knowledge on scaling concept. This Book is a guide tool for scaling the IAR4D concept and a reference material for the evolution of methodologies for scaling agricultural research and development

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