Impact of Integrated Aquaculture-agriculture Value Chain Participation on Welfare of Marginalized Indigenous Households in Bangladesh: A Panel Data Analysis

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Document de conférence
Islam A.

Based on three rounds of panel data (2007, 2009, and 2012) on indigenous households, this study assessed the impacts of Integrated Aquaculture-agriculture value chain participation on the welfare of marginalized poor indigenous rural households in Bangladesh. We also examined the distributional impacts of IAA value chain
participation by examining impacts across different groups of value chain actors by disaggregating production activity participants from up and downstream participants. Given the potential importance of IAA systems in Bangladesh this research mostly focused on rice-fish based IAA and the biophysical and technical feasibility aspects rather than socio-economic aspects

Αnnée de publication: 
Integrated Aquaculture-agriculture (IAA)
Welfare Impact
Value Chain Participation
Panel data methods
Marginalized extremely poor indigenous households; Bangladesh