Cote d’Ivoire Climate-Smart Agriculture Investment Plan

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World Bank Group

This document provides an investment plan for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in Côte d’Ivoire, developped with support of the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) Initiative and the World Bank, and technical assistance of the CGIAR Research Program on Climatre Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). It identifies specific interventions that define on-the-ground actions that are consistent with Côte d’Ivoire’s NDC and National Agricultural Investment Plan II (2017-2025), which can be funded by public- and private-sector partners. CSA interventions are designed to increase agricultural productivity; help farmers, livestock keepers and fisher-people adapt and build resilience to climate risks; and, where appropriate, reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. CSA interventions can include on-farm technologies such as stress-tolerant crop varieties and livestock breeds, agricultural management activities (involving water, soil, fertilizers, pests, etc.) and agricultural services such as insurance, credit and weather advisories

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