Prospects for the development of the Russian system of agricultural consulting under the conditions of the digital transformation of agrarian economy

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Document de conférence
Pali P.N.
Wairegi L.

In terms of macroeconomic and geopolitical instability, in order to increase the competitiveness of agro-food complex of the Russian Federation in world food markets, a scientifically based choice of institutional solutions is required to increase innovative activity in the agricultural sector and to ensure the transfer of technologies used in industries related to agriculture. A generalization of Russian and foreign practice of agricultural consulting showed that at the present stage of economic development, this institution should be considered as a center for the innovation spread, stimulating agricultural producers to constant increasing of their competencies in high technology. The comparison of the obtained and expected economic effect of the innovative activities of regional agricultural advisory services revealed that a flexible policy of budget co-financing contributes to an increase in the quality of services, and in the professionalism of consultants and their communication skills. It is concluded that the promising tasks of the Russian agricultural consulting system are the selection of optimal options for technical and technological support of production for small and medium-sized businesses; formation of packages of orders for the most popular applied research; popularization of precision and organic farming methods; participation in the development and implementation of sustainable rural development programs

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