This study aims to determine the factors that influence group dynamics, and to find out whether there is a relationship between agricultural extension programs to farmer group dynamics. Data analysis method used is a Likert Scale and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that the dynamics of the Sri Makmur Farmers Group were categorized as Less Dynamic. This is because the elements of the farmer group dynamics are not going well. Based on the results of a Likert Scale Research with Spearman Rank Correlation obtained a value of 0.221 at a confidence level of 95% (α 0.05). So that the value of 0.221> 0.0, Ho is accepted which means that there is no relationship between the agricultural extension program to the dynamics of rice paddy farmer groups. In the closeness of the relationship between the two variables, the value of correlation coefficient is -0.453, based on the assessment criteria on the closeness of the relationship, the variable value is in a weak closeness position
An extension help farmers in their efforts to increase production and quality of their products in order to improve their welfare. Therefore, the extension has many roles, among others as a mentor farmer extension, organizer, coach technicians and a bridge...
Extension agent is one of the important factors in the agricultural process to deliver technology information and agricultural programs from government to farmers. The good performance of agricultural extension agents will have an impact on improving the performance of farmers...
Agricultural information is transferred through social interactions; therefore, ties to agricultural informants and network structures within farmers’ local neighborhoods determine their information-gathering abilities. This paper uses a spatial autoregressive model that takes account of spatial autocorrelation to examine such network...
Agriculture is the back bone of Indian economy. Time bound high-quality agro services are essential for the growth of agriculture in our country. The present study was conducted among the beneficiary farmers Agro Service Centres in Kerala, during the year...
Food security is predicted toface considerable challenges in the upcoming period. This couldbe more profound in developing countries due to rapid societal change and ecological pressure in theseregions. Concerted efforts to deal with these challenges areof great importance, including accelerating...