Urban farming is one of the alternatives to eliminate the impacts of the conversion of agricultural land. However, implementing urban farming activities requires various preparations, including the role of agricultural extension workers. The extension worker can make significant contributions to raise public awareness of the importance of urban farming. This study determines the performance level of extension workers in the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of urban farming extension programs in BPP Kramas, Banyumanik district. This research employed a descriptive analysis approach by using a Likert scale. The results indicate that the performance level of extension workers in extension preparation, extension implementation, evaluation, and reporting are in the high category, with an average percentage achievement of 96%. It means that the urban farming program in Kramas Banyumanik district had been done well according to the formulated plan
This research aimed to figure out the attitude and readiness of agriculture extension officers in using the Information and Communication Technology. Data collection was done through a survey with total sample 60 respondents. Data gained were primary data from questionnaire...
Building on previous research, the purpose of this study was to describe the needs of the extension agents, in the Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia, for training on Organic Agriculture (OA). This knowledge will be used to develop organic educational...
The advancement of agriculture sector in one region cannot be separated from the role of agricultural extension in the region. To cover the deficiency of agricultural extension agents, self-supporting extension agents are recruited from farmers or private parties. This study...
Low and slow adoption of improved agricultural technologies among smallholders often frustrate technology development and promotion efforts in the developing world. That is especially true for technologies requiring high initial investment. This study investigates how increasing farmers' awareness and exposure...
Agricultural innovation in low-income tropical countries contributes to a more effective and sustainable use of natural resources and reduces hunger and poverty through economic development in rural areas. Yet, despite numerous recent public and private initiatives to develop capacities for...