Theoretically, improved food security can be achieved through (a) increased availability – by extending staple food production area, higher productivity, good post harvesting practices; (b) enhanced access – as a result of more stable prices, improved farmer income, or even rural income; and (c) increased stability - through improved and sustained competitive advantage of the member firms, which eventually contribute to sustainable industry including in agriculture. Nonetheless, there has been a limited study linking the concept of food security and the necessity of managing competitive advantage of the agricultural supply chains. This paper links the theoretical foundations of supply chain management the concept of food security policy. Through a review of literature, a concept of how sustainable competitive advantage can be achieved through supply chain management, which in a development context, can improve food security by bringing together the concepts of food availability as well as improved people access to sufficient food is further explored
Given the diversity and context-specificity of innovation systems approaches, in March 2007 the World Bank organized a workshop in which about 80 experts (representing donor agencies, development and related agencies, academia, and the World Bank) took stock of recent experiences...
L' étude de la Banque Mondiale a identifié des mesures d’atténuation pouvant apporter des solutions à court et à long termes aux problèmes du secteur agricole du Niger. Il s’agit, notamment de :
l’utilisation de variétés à haut rendement...
In this paper, the authors apply an innovative multisectoral diagnostic to examine the entry points for potential interventions in food systems to improve the diets in a rural population in Malawi. The paper is structured as follows: The authors begin by...
Un guide pratique pour la lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs et l’aquaculture dans les systèmes rizicoles de la Guyane et du Suriname.
Ce programme de formation, développé et édité par les stagiaires de la Formation des Formateurs (FdF) en lutte...
The present chapter outlines a descriptive analysis of the sorghum value chains across the globe, the identified major constraints of the sorghum value chain, the business service provisions, and suggested specific areas of interventions for upgradation of the value chain....