Ghana’s cocoa production belt also serves as the main forests repository of the country. Cocoa farm- ing is both a direct and indirect driver of deforesta- tion in Ghana (UNEP, 2008). This implies that critical interventions are needed to deal with deforestation emanating from cocoa production.
The World Cocoa Foundation and the Sustainable Trade Initiative in collaboration with the Internation- al Sustainability Unit of the Office of the Prince of Wales have partnered with governments of Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire and private cocoa companies to initiate the Cocoa and Forests Initiative (CFI). The CFI aims at providing the enabling environment for the cocoa sector players to positively contribute to the preservation of forests in Ghana and the coun- try’s economy.
The initiative takes a holistic approach to tackle the complex problem of deforestation in cocoa produc- tion with a prime focus on three thematic areas: 1) sustainable production and farmers’ livelihoods, 2) forest protection and restoration, and 3) community engagement and social inclusion. These are codified in an overarching Framework for Action for Ghana and its National Implementation Plan (NIP).
The main objective of the CFI as outlined in the Joint Framework for Action is for private sector to closely partner the government of Ghana and align with national objectives and strategies for reducing deforestation in the cocoa sector. Thus, national efforts will be complemented by the implementation of individual private companies’ action plans focus- ing on some or all the elements of the NIP. Public and private partners in the cocoa sustainability and forest management sectors will demonstrate that agricultural production and forest management can go hand in hand in a sustainable manner to attain sustainable development.
The NIP is strongly hinged on enhancing and align- ing with existing initiatives and ongoing projects and programs by government of Ghana and private com- panies including the Ghana Cocoa Board and For- estry Commission’s REDD+ program on sustainable cocoa production, farmers’ livelihood, Community Engagement and Social Inclusion as well as initia- tives on reducing deforestation and forest degrada- tion. The Initiative will also contribute to long-term goals set by government and industry through a phased approach.
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