Grey literature on agriculture and rural development

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European Commission

What is grey literature? It is literature produced by non-commercial publishers, such as public institutions, universities, research institutes and civil society. It contains a lot of useful content, but is often hard to find as it is scattered across different locations. EIGE has collected grey literature on gender equality and you can access our collection through a simple search interface. EIGE’s collection of grey literature is available in several EU languages and documents come from all EU Member States. EIGE’s library hosts one of the largest collections on gender-related literature related to agriculture and rural development. The collection presents good practices of current policies throughout Europe as well as gender indicators aimed at assessing the socioeconomic status of the agricultural and rural population. Several resources focus on the ways in which the EU has mainstreamed gender into policy processes for agriculture and rural development. You will also find research reports and statistical documents providing data on gender challenges related to agriculture and rural development.

Αnnée de publication: 
Grey literature
Access to information
gender equality
gender mainstreaming
Participation of women
rural development