2018 Interim narrative report. First draft.

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A conceptual framework that promotes an integrated and comprehensive approach to Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CD4AIS Framework) was developed in Year 1 of the project. It argues that for innovations to emerge, functional capacities are needed. There are 4 functional capacities i.e. capacity to navigate complexity, to collaborate, reflect and learn and engage in strategic and political process. These capacities should be inherent within individuals, organisations, systems level (local and national level including policy systems). The capacities are developed through an iterative process of learning at all levels. The Framework proposes 5 stages in this iterative process i.e. galvanizing commitment, visioning, capacity needs assessment, capacity development strategy and implementation.

In Year 4, the project continued to strengthen the capacities of individuals, the innovation niche partnerships2 (Niche) at systems level (in particular at local and regional level based on selected commodities, theme or geographic locations) level as well as at the organization level. The national innovation niche facilitators (NIF) gained more confidence and ability to facilitate the interaction/negotiation by niche actors with innovation support service providers. Various capacity development activities were conducted in each of the 8 pilot countries. These were designed and implemented based on the identified needs and capacities of the niche actors. Examples include: group training on organizational development and planning, business/entrepreneurship skills and communications. Others include facilitated negotiation with banks or financial institutions, technology experts as well as visits to other countries with similar commodity but with improved technology such as operational cooperative, processing and marketing.

Αnnée de publication: 
agricultural innovation systems (AIS)
capacity development
CDAIS project
TAP-related resource