Conversations of change: Angola

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There was a need for change in agricultural development in Angola, and CDAIS has been appreciated. Results show positive outcomes in a number of areas, including the acceptance of the benefits of strengthening functional capacities across different levels. And, although it is still too early to see the full benefits of the approach, many involved said they would continue to apply it in their other activities. This story begins with views and experiences from rice growers and their partners, as an example of one of the three innovation niche partnerships in Angola. Here, impacts from applying the CDAIS methodology are evident. We then hear from targeted organisations that provide innovation support services to family farmers, on how CDAIS has strengthened links between them and farmer cooperatives, and with national- level discussions, culminating in news of the first national seed policy dialogue in March 2019, and lessons learnt.

Αnnée de publication: 
capacity development
agricultural innovation systems (AIS)
CDAIS project
TAP-related resource