Conversations of Change: Burkina Faso

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The Government of Burkina Faso embraced innovation in agriculture many years ago, thus CDAIS could build on solid foundations. Six innovation niche partnerships were selected, each working on very different types of innovations, technically, socially or organisationally, and facing contrasting challenges for capacity development. Agrinatura partner CIRAD, well established in Burkina Faso thanks to strong partnerships with key stakeholders within the national agricultural innovation system, implemented the project with FAO and the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation (MESRSI). This conver­ sation illustrates one of the key challenges to accelerate agricultural innovation in the country: the need to support innovation with organisations that do not usually intervene in agricultural development, such as developers of information and communications technology (ICT) based solutions – incubators, telecommunications companies, institutes for computer science research or intellectual property rights. It then presents how such new types of partnership can be promoted at the national level by innovation support service providers and by the government.

Αnnée de publication: 
capacity development
agricultural innovation systems (AIS)
CDAIS project
TAP-related resource