Fall armyworm management: lessons learnt from Ghana

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Williams F.
Van Marwijk A.
Rware H.
Essegbey G.
Besah P.
Duah S.
Hevi W.
Karbo N.
Quaye W.
Watiti J.

The invasive pest, fall armyworm (FAW) was confirmed to be in Ghana in 2016. Stakeholders, including CABI, worked to support the development of a national FAW management plan. A review of the management plan implementation was undertaken using outcome harvesting, a Sprockler inquiry and key informant interviews. Results showed evidence of stakeholder collaboration, leading to increased public awareness of FAW and related management practices, and more coordinated research into low-risk management options. Key factors for the success of the FAW response were: establishment of the multidisciplinary taskforce, with common goals and ownership; mobilization of financial, human and material resources at national and district levels; effective coordination and communication, limiting duplication of efforts by different actors; farmer sensitization to identify and manage FAW and other pests. Steps to ensure future preparedness include: implementation of the National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan (NISSAP); establishment of a standing taskforce and emergency fund to address new pest outbreaks; improved monitoring and surveillance especially at borders and ports of entry; strengthened research capacity especially in pest risk analyses; and development of emergency response guidelines for future outbreaks.

Αnnée de publication: 
Fall armyworm
Management practices
Monitoring and surveillance