This Resource Manual on IPPM ALS in Vegetables is a compilation of various documents on the production of commonly grown vegetable crops. This was developed basically for the facilitators and learners of the Children’s Participation in Integrated Production and Pest Management (CP IPPM) Program and the Integrated Production and Pest Management for the Alternative Learning System (IPPMALS) Program. The objective of this resource manual is to provide them a ready reference to complement the learning process in discovery-based IPPM ALS Session Guides that trainers will use in conducting FFS. It is intended to provide the “theoretical part” of IPPM. The technical contents of this Resource Manual were taken from various documents produced by the National IPM Program (KASAKALIKASAN), FAO Rice and Vegetable IPM Programs in Asia, the AVRDC and Agricultural Universities. Many of the information were also downloaded from the internet. It should be remembered that learning IPPM is best achieved through experiential learning process and cannot be mastered through books or references. The field is the primary source of learning. The field is the book. Hence, this manual is not to be used as an excuse for facilitators to give lectures to farmers or learners. Rather, this manual should provide facilitators with a reference guide in developing discussions that will enhance critical and analytical thinking among those participating in an FFS. The Resource Manual has been divided into twelve chapters: Part I – Overview of Vegetable Production in the Philippines provides recent statistics and the state of vegetable production in the Philippines; Part II – The Ecosystem contains general concepts about the ecosystem and its components; Part III - The Living Soil discusses the characteristics of soil including composting and soil analysis; Part IV – Plant Parts, Functions and Seed Development talks about the functions as well as the development of seed until the seedling stage; Part V – Families of Vegetable Crops presents basic information and description of the families of vegetable crops included in this manual; Part VI – Production Guide for Selected Vegetable Crops consists of the production practices for selected vegetable crops; Part VII – Insects, Spiders, Common Pest of Vegetable Crops and Their Management shows and describes living organisms found in the vegetable field such as insects (pests and beneficial) and spiders particularly highlighting the roles they play in the ecosystem; Part VIII – Common Diseases of Vegetable Crops and Their Management, discusses the common diseases of vegetable crops and their management; Part IX – Weeds and Weeds Management includes the description of weeds, weed types and their management; Part X – Pesticide Hazards contains information about various types of pesticides, their harmful effects to humans and the environment as well as the types of pesticide poisoning and their symptoms; Part XI – Post Harvest Processing of Vegetable Seeds includes topics on harvesting practices, seed storage methods and seed processing techniques; and Part XII – Farm Record Keeping provides information on how to handle farm records, how to conduct farm inventory and how to valuate farm properties.
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