Unlocking the Potential for Integrated Agricultural Research for Development in the Savanna of West Africa

Voir les résultats en:
Adekunle A. A.
Ayanwale A.
Fatunbi O.
Oluwole A.
Oladunni O.
Nokoe K. S.
Binam J. N.
Kamara A. Y.
Maman K. N.
Dangbegnon C.
Emechebe A.

This book documents the proof of the Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) Concept that was developed by the Forum for Agricultural Research for Development in Africa (FARA). The IAR4D concept forms the basis for the Sub Saharan Africa Challenge Program (SSA CP) which is the only CGIAR Challenge Program that was limited to only one region in the world. The focus of the SSA CP program was to facilitate substantially greater impact from agricultural research for development leading to improved rural livelihoods, increased food security and sustainable natural resource management throughout Sub Saharan Africa.

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