Meta-Evaluation of Extension Evaluation: case studies

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Pound, B.
Gündel, S.
Martin, A.
Apenteng, E.

The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) has commissioned the Natural Resources Institute to develop a toolkit for the evaluation of extension (projects, programmes, tools and initiatives). This commission has a number of components:

- A meta-evaluation of 15-20 evaluation case studies(presented here)
- A meta-review of the literature relevant to extension evaluation methods
- A workshop with practitioners and experienced evaluators to discuss the findings of a) and b) and to identify an initial set of tools
- A proposal for testing the proposed tools in a second phase of the project
- A brief of the toolkit for policymakers.
- The overall purpose of this project is to identify methods for better evaluation of extension through the development of a toolkit for extension evaluation. The meta-evaluation and meta-review will also provide an in-depth basis for the selection of the approaches, methods and tools in the toolkit.

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