Use of practical examples from CABI, a science based organization, to illustrate how more impact may be gained from research based knowledge

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Document de discussion
Romney, D.
Efa, N.
Karanja, D.
Agwanda, C.
Kuhlman, U.
Phiri, N.
Kimani, M.
Musebe, R.
Day, R.
Grossrieder, M.
Jones, N.
Jones, H.
Fish, J.
Boa, E.

This is one of lead papers presented at Innovation Asia-Pacific Symposium: 4-7 May, 2009 Kathmandu, Nepal. Cases representing practical examples of what it might mean to use innovation systems interventions and recognize key features are presented. Four cases represent actions facilitating uptake of research outputs including; a crop pest bio-control method; post harvest management of coffee; isolation and commercialization of an indigenous seed variety and; a community based system to forecast armyworm plagues. Case 5 addresses an initiative to build capacity to respond to emerging crop health challenges on an on-going basis. Key features influencing project activities and interventions contributing to success are summarized.

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