Applying Innovation System Principles to Fodder Scarcity: Experiences from the Fodder Innovation Project

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Vamsidhar Reddy, T. S.
Puskur, R.
Hall, A.
Sulaiman, R. V.

This paper is a reflection on a research project that defied the conventional technology transfer approach and adopted an approach based on innovation system principles to address fodder scarcity. Fodder scarcity in the project was conceptualized not as lack of technical capacity, but as lack of innovation capacity. This project tried to enhance innovation capacity by promoting appropriate configurations of stakeholders. However, translating this theory and principles into action was fraught with numerous challenges. In the absence of previously documented experiences, the project course was determined based on continuous and concurrent review and lesson learning. A first-hand account of the project implementation is presented in this paper so that it benefits others who are experimenting with similar approaches.

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