Small-scale farmer innovation. How agricultural research works together with farmers

Voir les résultats en:
Abay F.
Wünscher T.
Quiroga Gilardoni G.
Aminou A. M.
Haussmann B. I. G.
Agoligan O.
Weltzien E.
Christinck A.
Kaufmann B.
Dorlöchter-Sulser S.
Bachman L.
Mongbo R.
Rauch T.
Waters-Bayer A.
Zongo A.
Floquet A.
Bachman L.
Douthwaite B.

The articles in the dossier present different approaches to supporting farmer-led research, ranging from partnerships between small-scale farmer organisations and research institutions, to alliances of farmer groups, nongovernmental organisations and researchers, to constellations in which farmer organisations directly contract researchers. The articles highlight some innovations that have emerged from these processes and – more important still – show new ways of organising research so that it strengthens innovative capacities at grassroots level. All authors share a joint vision of agricultural research embedded in society, working with and through small-scale farmers who thus contribute to intensifying agriculture and alleviating poverty in a sustainable way.


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