Since 2012, hundreds of organisations across West Africa have shown a series of ten videos on Fighting striga and improving soil fertility to farmer groups and rural communities. This paper asks if a village would change its social structure just because they watched these videos? Field research in Mali revealed that the answer is yes, sometimes, especially if they watched the videos in groups and saw other farmers in the videos doing group activities.
West Africa’s smallholders are dynamic and innovative and, if given the opportunity, could easily and sustainably double or treble their productivity. This would have a huge impact on the region’s food security and economic growth. The Convergence of Sciences programme has spent the past decade exploring new pathways for agricultural innovation that focus on enabling smallholders to capture opportunity.
Land and property rights, migration, and citizenship are complex issues that cut across all social, economic, and political spheres of West Africa. This paper provides an overarching scoping of the most pressing contemporary issues related to land, migration, and citizenship, including how they intersect in various contexts and locations in West Africa. The way issues are analytically framed captures structural challenges and sets them against the regional and global meta-trends of which policy makers and practitioners should be aware for conflict-sensitive planning.
The objective of this report is to identify and evaluate best practices in smallholder private irrigation in West Africa. The report is based on a comparative assessment of the smallholder private irrigation subsector in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria, which included a literature review, field visits, and workshops at both national and regional levels. The task lists for the assessment is provided in annex one. This report first presents the main features of smallholder irrigation and the development projects that have promoted its use in West Africa in chapter two.
Mali is a vast, land-locked country in West Africa with a population of approximately 14.9 million, and a GDP per capita of USD480. The economy is largely rural, with over two-thirds of the population living off agriculture, notably cotton. Gold is the country’s largest export, though production has been declining and the industry faces an uncertain future as proven reserves are limited. The service sector, which represents 40 percent of GDP, is dominated by trade and commerce. Mali’s dependence on crops and gold makes it vulnerable to terms of trade shocks.
Policy processes are formal and informal negotiations in which heterogeneous groups of stakeholders seek to influence policy agenda setting and the development and implementation of policy. Innovation platforms can help balance the vested interests of market actors, civil society and other stakeholders to support policy processes. They can bring together different types of expertise, experience and interests, and facilitate learning between policymakers and market and civil society actors to develop negotiated and implementable policies and regulations.
Since February 2014, Mercy Corps has implemented the Irtoun (“Rise Again”) program, with a goal to enhance food security and economic resilience of communities recovering from the effects of conflict in northern Mali.
Following a cost modification in September of 2016, the program during the reporting period updated the beneficiaries, calculated the seed needs, met with extension services, retrained on project management and M&E tools, assessed the animal fodder, monitored village savings and loan associations and agents and started Irtoun II.
This booklet contains fifteen short stories told by field staff of the 2SCALE project about their personal experiences on how their work impacted a particular person or group. The booklet results from a regional review and capitalisation workshop that was organised in Benin in March 2017 within the framework of the 2SCALE programme. 2SCALE (Towards Sustainable Clusters in Agribusiness through Learning in Entrepreneurship) is a major agribusiness incubator programme implemented since 2012, and is aimed at promoting inclusive agribusiness partnerships in nine African countries.
Lors de l'intervention d'une plate-forme d'innovation (groupe d'acteurs concernés) dans un domaine donné, nous avons tendance à attribuer les causes du changement aux actions de cette plate-forme. Cet article utilise le cas d'une plate-forme d'innovation dans le secteur du karité au Mali pour analyser comment les plates-formes d'innovation produisent les résultats escomptés.
Nous étudions le processus de transfert politique selon lequel les idées et valeurs du développement durable, mûries et véhiculées au niveau international, donnent lieu au niveau national à une recomposition des modes publics d’intervention en milieu rural. Au Mali et à Madagascar, les politiques de développement durable recouvrent des expressions différentes. Nous interprétons ces différences par une analyse comparative des stratégies des acteurs intervenant dans le jeu politique. Nous montrons que ces stratégies renvoient à des processus historiques.