Since February 2014, Mercy Corps has implemented the Irtoun (“Rise Again”) program, with a goal to enhance food security and economic resilience of communities recovering from the effects of conflict in northern Mali.
Following a cost modification in September of 2016, the program during the reporting period updated the beneficiaries, calculated the seed needs, met with extension services, retrained on project management and M&E tools, assessed the animal fodder, monitored village savings and loan associations and agents and started Irtoun II.
The Improved Agriculture for Smallholders Western Kenya (TASK) is one of five projects in the five-year USAID funded Development Assistance Program (DAP) II referred to as Sustainable Livelihood Security for Vulnerable Households program in Nyanza province. It aims to improve,...
The food security research project (FSRP) aims to contribute to effective policy dialogue, capacity building, and ultimately an improved agricultural policy environment in Zambia, through collaboration with government and the private sector. It achieves these objectives through in-service capacity building,...
The Agriculture Technology Program for Turkmenistan (AgTech), funded by USAID and implemented by Weidemann Associates, Inc., aims to increase and develop private enterprises, and improve productivity of private, small and household farms. The project has two key components: the improvement of genetics,...
The Regional Agricultural Development Program-South (RADP-S) aims to improve food and economic security for rural Afghans in the provinces of Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, and Uruzgan by strengthening the capacity of producers, associations, traders, and agribusinesses to respond to market demands, facilitating lasting...
Commercial Villages Stores (CVS) Programme has been developed and is being implemented by Farm Concern International (FCI) with financial support from USAID/COMPETE (the Competitiveness and Trade Expansion Program) in Kenya and Uganda. The programme, which commenced in September 2009, is...