Funded by USAID’s Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade and implemented by Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), the RAISE SPS Project (“Assistance for Trade Capacity Building in Relation to the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures”) is Task Order 14 under the RAISE (“Rural and Agricultural Incomes with a Sustainable Environment”) Indefinite Quantity Contract with DAI as Prime Contractor.
RAISE SPS assisted farmers, processors, exporters, retailers and other participants in agribusiness supply chains to enhance their competitiveness through achievement of international market standards. Concurrently, RAISE SPS assisted regulatory, scientific, technical, and donor institutions better understand the effect of SPS issues and private sector-driven standards on economic growth and poverty reduction.
During 2002-2007, RAISE SPS conducted research and provided technical assistance that not only helped clarify the nature of the challenge but which also pointed to appropriate development responses. This summary report describes the project structure, management and evolution, relates original project design objectives with actual delivered work products (Section 2), summarizes the objectives and achievements of each of the individual RAISE SPS project activities in five topical areas (Section 3), and provides a thematic results–based discussion of the five topical areas (Section 4). The report concludes with a discussion of key project successes and shortcomings, and makes some recommendations for future project funding in the area of SPS (Section 5). Key SPS literature references are also provided (Section 6).
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